
TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)

What is
TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) ?

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a disruption in normal brain function caused by an external force, such as a blow or jolt to the head. These injuries range from mild concussions to severe brain damage, leading to long-term physical, cognitive, and emotional impairments. TBI affects millions of individuals annually and requires prompt diagnosis and tailored treatment for effective recovery.

Symptoms of
Traumatic Brain Injury

The Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury vary depending on the severity of the injury. Some common signs include:

Headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, confusion, and memory issues.

Persistent headaches, seizures, difficulty speaking or understanding, weakness in limbs, and loss of coordination.

Long-term issues such as post-Traumatic Brain Injury migraine, headaches, mood swings, and cognitive impairments, often referred to as post-Traumatic Brain Injury syndrome.

Types of
Traumatic Brain Injury

Understanding the Types of Traumatic Brain Injury is essential for tailoring effective Traumatic Brain Injury treatments. Types of Brain Injury are categorized based on the nature and severity of the trauma:

Mild brain injury resulting from a jolt or blow to the head.

Bruising of the brain tissue.

Widespread damage to brain fibers, often causing severe impairment.

Caused by objects piercing the skull.

Persistent effects following the initial trauma.

What Causes
Traumatic Brain Injury ?

Each case is unique, requiring a comprehensive evaluation to determine the best course of Traumatic Brain Injury treatment. But what causes Traumatic Brain Injury? The most common causes include:

Our Approach

At Sunrise Neuro-Acupuncture Integrative Clinic in Ottawa, Westboro, we offer innovative treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and its long-term effects, such as post-Traumatic Brain Injury syndrome. Our focused approach includes:

Neuro Acupuncture for brain injuryis a complementary treatment that may support neurological recovery by stimulating targeted points to enhance brain function and circulation. It can help manage symptoms such as cognitive impairment, motor dysfunction, and headaches. This approach is non-invasive and may be used alongside conventional medical treatments to support overall rehabilitation.

Scalp Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific areas of the scalp to stimulate brain activity and promote neuroplasticity. It may aid in improving motor function, speech, and cognitive abilities in individuals recovering from brain injuries. This technique is considered a supportive therapy and should be used in conjunction with standard medical care.

Herbal Medicine may provide supportive care for Traumatic Brain Injury by promoting circulation, reducing inflammation, and supporting brain health. Specific herbs are traditionally used to enhance cognitive function and alleviate symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. Herbal treatments should be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Improvements We
See in Our Clinic

At Sunrise Neuro-Acupuncture Integrative Clinic, we regularly witness remarkable progress in our patients recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury. Our integrative methods, focusing on both physical recovery and mental well-being, have positioned us as a trusted Traumatic Brain Injury clinic in Ottawa. Common improvements include:




How to Prepare for Your First Appointment


When filling out your online application, provide as much detail as possible about your medical history and symptoms.
This helps us prepare for your visit and create a personalized treatment plan.

Send us any relevant medical documents, test results, or diagnostic reports prior to your appointment.
This allows us to review your information thoroughly and tailor your treatment to your specific needs.

If your treatment involves acupuncture, please have a light meal or snack beforehand.
This helps maintain your energy levels and prevents lightheadedness during the session.

Wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing ensures easy access to treatment areas, making the process smooth.
This provides us with the necessary access to deliver optimal care.

Refrain from using lotion, creams, or makeup on the areas to be treated.
This helps us better assess your condition and provide effective care.


Get Natural Nerve Damage Treatment

If you or a loved one is struggling with the effects of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) or seeking effective post-Traumatic Brain Injury treatment, contact Sunrise Neuro-Acupuncture Integrative Clinic today. 

Let us help you reclaim your life and achieve lasting recovery.


Find answers to common questions about our natural TBI treatments how to book your consultation.

Symptoms can appear immediately or develop over days or weeks.


It depends on severity; mild TBI may resolve, but severe cases can cause lasting effects.

TBI disrupts brain function, causing physical, cognitive, and emotional impairments.

Neuro acupuncture promotes neuroplasticity, reduces inflammation, and alleviates symptoms like headaches and cognitive impairments.

Treatment can begin once a diagnosis is made, with timing tailored to the patient’s condition.

You can schedule a consultation through our website or contact us directly by phone or email:

+1 613 853 9099

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