
What is
Fibromyalgia ?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain, tenderness, and fatigue that persist for at least three months. It significantly impacts daily life, often affecting sleep, mental health, and overall well-being. Many individuals with fibromyalgia also experience cognitive difficulties, commonly referred to as “fibro fog.” Understanding what fibromyalgia is and its impact is the first step toward finding effective solutions.

Symptoms of

Types of

Fibromyalgia affects people differently, and understanding the types of fibromyalgia can help tailor treatments. These 8 types of fibromyalgia pain highlight the complexity of the condition and the need for a comprehensive treatment plan.

Widespread pain without specific triggers.

Pain concentrated in particular areas like the back or shoulders.

Overlapping symptoms of extreme fatigue and fibromyalgia.

Pain related to nerve issues.

Symptoms that mimic autoimmune conditions.

Predominantly affects memory and focus.

Pain and flare-ups triggered by stress or emotional disturbances.

Symptoms linked to hormonal changes.

What Causes
Fibromyalgia ?

Understanding what causes fibromyalgia provides insights into developing personalized and effective treatments. The exact causes of fibromyalgia remain unknown, but research suggests a combination of different factors:

Our Approach

At Sunrise Neuro-Acupuncture Integrative Clinic, located in Ottawa, we take a holistic approach to fibromyalgia treatment, combining traditional and modern techniques to deliver effective, personalized care. Under the care of Denis Grounin, registered Acupuncturist and TCMP, our treatment strategy includes:

This focused form of acupuncture targets the nervous system to regulate pain signals, reduce inflammation, and promote the body’s natural healing processes. Neuro-acupuncture has proven effective in alleviating the symptoms of fibromyalgia, including widespread pain and fatigue.

Herbal medicine for fibromyalgia focuses on using natural plant-based remedies to reduce chronic pain, inflammation, and fatigue. At Sunrise Neuro-Acupuncture Integrative Clinic, personalized Chinese herbal medicine formulations are crafted to address the unique symptoms of each patient. These herbs help balance the body’s energy, improve sleep, boost circulation, and support overall well-being. When combined with treatments like acupuncture, herbal medicine offers a holistic approach to managing fibromyalgia symptoms and enhancing quality of life.

Improvements We See in Our Clinic

At Sunrise Neuro-Acupuncture Integrative Clinic, we take pride in delivering measurable improvements for our patients. Many patients describe our approach as life-changing, finding relief that conventional treatments could not provide.


How to Prepare for Your First Appointment


When filling out your online application, provide as much detail as possible about your medical history and symptoms.
This helps us prepare for your visit and create a personalized treatment plan.

Send us any relevant medical documents, test results, or diagnostic reports prior to your appointment.
This allows us to review your information thoroughly and tailor your treatment to your specific needs.

If your treatment involves acupuncture, please have a light meal or snack beforehand.
This helps maintain your energy levels and prevents lightheadedness during the session.

Wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing ensures easy access to treatment areas, making the process smooth.
This provides us with the necessary access to deliver optimal care.

Refrain from using lotion, creams, or makeup on the areas to be treated.
This helps us better assess your condition and provide effective care.


Get Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment

For those navigating the challenges of Fibromyalgia, our clinic in Ottawa offers a beacon of hope.

By blending the precision of neuro-acupuncture with the natural healing power of Chinese herbs, we deliver a unique and effective approach to fibromyalgia treatments.

Schedule a Fibromyalgia consultation to learn how acupuncture and our personalized TCM treatments can become part of your treatment plan.



Find answers to common questions about our natural Fibromyalgia treatments and how to book your consultation.

Fibromyalgia feels like widespread, chronic pain, often described as a deep ache or burning sensation. It may be accompanied by fatigue, stiffness, an sensitivity to touch.

The worst symptoms include intense, persistent pain, extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive issues like “fibro fog,” which impacts memory and focus.

Fibromyalgia is diagnosed through a physical exam, patient history, and ruling out other conditions. A common criterion is widespread pain lasting at least three months.

Fibromyalgia can qualify as a disability if it severely impacts daily functioning and the ability to work. Eligibility varies by country and disability programs.

Neuro-acupuncture targets the nervous system to regulate pain signals, reduce inflammation, and promote natural healing, providing relief from chronic pain and fatigue.

You can schedule a consultation through our website or contact us directly by phone or email:

+1 613 853 9099

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