
What is
Frozen Shoulder ?

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness, pain, and restricted movement in the shoulder joint. This condition develops when the connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint thickens and tightens, leading to pain and limited range of motion. It typically progresses in three stages: freezing, frozen, and thawing, each with varying degrees of discomfort and immobility.

Symptoms of
Frozen Shoulder

Understanding shoulder pain symptoms can help in diagnosing the condition early and initiating effective shoulder pain treatment. Symptoms of frozen shoulder often develop gradually but worsen over time, including:

Types of
Shoulder Pain

Different types of pain in shoulder can have unique triggers, requiring specific treatment approaches. There are two main types of frozen shoulder:

Develops without any clear cause.

Results from an underlying condition such as injury, surgery, or illnesses like diabetes.

What Causes
A Frozen Shoulder ?

What causes shoulder pain and frozen shoulder varies. Common causes of shoulder pain when lifting arm include rotator cuff injuries, impingement syndrome, or adhesive capsulitis. If you experience shoulder pain when stretching, it’s important to avoid overexertion and consult a healthcare provider for proper evaluation. Recognizing what causes frozen shoulder helps tailor a comprehensive shoulder pain treatment plan. Common frozen shoulder causes include:

Our Approach

At Sunrise Neuro Acupuncture Integrative Clinic, we focus in providing natural shoulder pain treatment tailored to individual needs. Our goal is to ensure long-lasting shoulder pain relief by addressing both symptoms and root causes. Our innovative methods include:

Neuro acupuncture targets specific nerves to reduce inflammation and improve nerve function, providing effective shoulder pain relief. This advanced technique helps restore mobility and alleviate chronic discomfort associated with frozen shoulder.

Electro acupuncture uses gentle electrical stimulation on acupuncture points to enhance circulation and reduce muscle tension in the shoulder. It’s highly effective for managing adhesive capsulitis and improving range of motion.

Cupping therapy increases blood flow to the affected area, helping to release muscle tightness and ease shoulder pain symptoms. This natural treatment supports healing and complements other shoulder pain treatments like acupuncture.

Improvements We See in Our Clinic

Our integrative approach not only alleviates pain but restores functionality and improves quality of life. Patients undergoing treatment at our neuro acupuncture clinic frequently report:


How to Prepare for Your First Appointment

When filling out your online application, provide as much detail as possible about your medical history and symptoms.
This helps us prepare for your visit and create a personalized treatment plan.

Send us any relevant medical documents, test results, or diagnostic reports prior to your appointment.
This allows us to review your information thoroughly and tailor your treatment to your specific needs.

If your treatment involves acupuncture, please have a light meal or snack beforehand.
This helps maintain your energy levels and prevents lightheadedness during the session.

Wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing ensures easy access to treatment areas, making the process smooth.
This provides us with the necessary access to deliver optimal care.

Refrain from using lotion, creams, or makeup on the areas to be treated.
This helps us better assess your condition and provide effective care.


Get Natural Frozen Shoulder Treatment

If you’re struggling with shoulder pain or frozen shoulder, contact us today to learn more about our advanced frozen shoulder treatment options and how we can help you regain your mobility and comfort naturally.

Schedule a Frozen Shoulder consultation to learn how acupuncture and our personalized TCM treatments can become part of your treatment plan.


Find answers to common questions about our natural Shoulder Pain treatments and how to book your consultation.

Frozen shoulder pain is typically dull or aching, worsening with movement and often intensifying at night.

The first signs include stiffness, limited range of motion, and persistent pain in the shoulder, especially with movement.

A frozen shoulder may appear normal externally but shows restricted movement and stiffness when attempting to raise or rotate the arm.

Preeclampsia-related shoulder pain is often sharp and felt under the right rib or in the right shoulder, potentially due to liver involvement. Immediate medical attention is required.

Treatment options include rest, neuro acupuncture, and electro acupuncture. Consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

You can schedule a Frozen Shoulder consultation through our website or contact us directly by phone or email:

+1 613 853 9099

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